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While researching content for this site on the internet we found that was no longer maintained by Flor de los Andes S.A and was presenting errors. Because was a website with a lot of information about lapis lazuli, as we are, we decided to aquire the domain.
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We hope our site will provide you with the information you are looking for.
Note that the company Flor de los Andes S.A and the mine Flor de los Andes are seperate entities.
If you have any up to date information about Flor de los Andes S.A please contact us.
If you are a seller of Lapis Lazuli in raw form and you would like to be presented on this website, then please contact us. |
Parece que ha sido redirigido aquí a través de
Mientras investigaba el contenido de este sitio en Internet encontramos que ya no se mantiene por Flor de los Andes SA y presentaba errores. Porque es un sitio web con una gran cantidad de información acerca de lapislázuli, como nosotros, hemos decidido adquirir el dominio.
Lo siento si esto es un inconveniente para usted.
Esperamos que nuestro sitio le proporcionará la información que está buscando.
Tenga en cuenta que la empresa Flor de los Andes SA y la mina Flor de los Andes son entidades separadas.
Todavía este sitio no esta presentado en español, pero usted puede hacer clic en el icono pequeña en la parte superior y derecha para obtener una traducción automática de este sitio web.
Si usted tiene alguna información sobre Flor de los Andes SA, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros.
Si usted es un vendedor de lapislázuli piedra bruta y le gustaría ser presentado en este sitio web, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros. |
Lapis Lazuli with its deep azure blue colour and often flecked with golden pyrite inclusions, was treasured by the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians and often worn by royalty. Lapis lazuli was widely used by Egyptians for cosmetics and painting.
Persian legend says that the heavens owed their blue colour to a massive slab of Lapis upon which the earth rested. Lapis Lazuli was believed to be a sacred stone, buried with the dead to protect and guide them in the afterlife.
In the Americas, the Incas, Molles, Diaguitas and other pre-Columbian cultures have, for thousands of years, used lapis lazuli to ornament masks and other artifacts. more....
A relatively soft stone, with a hardness of around 5.5 on the Mohs scale, lapis lazuli is one of the most valuable semi opaque stones.
Often times referred to as a gem, this beautiful stone is lltechnically a rock, consisting mostly of the minerals, lazurite and pyrite which makes up the golden specks.
Lapis is formed by contact metamorphism which occurs deep below the earth's surface. more....
Source: Location & Mining
The stone is mined from deposits located at 3600 meters above-sea-level in the Andes Mountains in the area of Ovalle, Chile. In 1851, the location of this deposit was mapped, and in 1894 Las Flores de Los Andes was officially registered as a mining property of Chile.
In 1950, its commercial mining was begun, and in 1989, the company Las Flores de Los Andes S. A. built a 60 km. access road, that allowed for the transport of machinery to the mine in order to start the extraction of material in larger quantities and sizes. more....
For many people all over the world Lapis lazuli is considered a stone of universal truth and friendship. The blue stone is reputed to bring about harmony in relationships and to help its wearer being an authentic individual who may openly state his or her opinion.
Lapis Lazuli is a powerful stone for those who seek spiritual development more....
Lapis takes an excellent polish and can be made into jewellery, carvings, boxes, mosaics, ornaments and vases.
In architecture it has been used for cladding the walls and columns of palaces and churches.
It was also ground and processed to make the pigment Ultramarine for tempera paint and, more rarely, oil paint. more....
Working with Lapis Lazuli Many a cutter 'turns up his nose' when cutting lapis lazuli, for as soon as the stone comes into contact with the cutting-disc it gives off a typical smell. An experienced cutter can even tell from the odour how intense the colour is. When polishing this stone, he must handle it gently on account of its modest hardness and not subject it to much pressure. . more....
Lapis lazuli is somewhat porous and should be protected from chemicals and solvents, never put Lapis in a chemical dip or ionic jewellery cleaner. Your best bet is to simply wipe it off with a barely damp cloth without soap. Lapis is not very hard at 5.5 and should be protected from other jewellery when stored to avoid scratches (i.e.. clean and store it as you would a pearl or Opal). more....